truction of one of my laboratories. - He sai
how it to other
t will be a great tourist deve
r me? Br
ke something you've
ner, I would like to know what you di
stone staircase, and in the center a long hole, which he saw a side e
a huge image, it was tha
verywhere, drawings m
ings, and several other sculptures, de
n, and around there were several monst
u ... - L
nto carved stone, the vari
ip a dragon.
es black smoke coming out of the center o
id Bruce.
me ancient religio
dragons. - Said Luthor. – The rese
etting involved with some people not h
nd out? B
rcles of inhuman frie
want, Luthor
ntroduce me, and be my
me to your friend
uthor. - I present mine, yo
both sho
like you. -
ent religion, more precis
hor said pulling
ent up
ions, negotiations an
t th
the streets o
from one of the informants on the streets, with her came b
hidden between the streets, he picked u
was following an informant, at the Metropolis docks, when she ente
he woman was surrounded
hink you're doi
ne of the ones I caught. - Said Joker ki
it was possibly an abandoned factory, tied with leather ropes ,
beside him, he wore a mask,
ot do that.
can. - Sa
Batman and Flash running drugged and killing one enemy after another, are all inno
y will do to the world
- Said Joker. – Because you
said, trying unsuccessfully
- But I don't care. - Said. - Be
machine, and everything aro
one of you. - Said Joker. - Thinking it's me
s. - You can n
gine. - That I put a bomb on
arrived. - S
he cities will be destroye
any innocent people
- Said Joker. - I made it not
et them to kill us one b
Said Joker. - In addition to fear gas
to all the newspapers; they
sage from Joker
ker. - You have 2 hours to find me, and sa
e I am, if they don't arrive on time, I'll blow up
Lois Lane, Lucius Fox and Superman flew skyward, sto
t behind Superman, al
the communicator in his ear. – I'm on
Superman. - Said Wonder Woma
o time. - Sa
trail of blue and red, Wonde
factory, he broke
houted, he was ready to flee, seeing the man of steel b
ed, he was knocked out by kryptonite, we
- Lois cried. - Ka
rman saw the Apocaly
o with Lois. - g
nraged. - I'm going to ki
Said Joker leaving the side of the wall,
was c
ed and green liquid di
ds everyone there, ready to deliver a sword blow towards Steve, right behind was F
s, Twayne? - Asked Barry,
y were all prepared, and Sup
es. - Said Joker. – M
then the man threw it, a green gas toward the g
ing Superman, a blast of green kryptonite, towards Superman throwing
d, he was there aroun
e took an electroshock gun and hit the c
d untied it, then he t
... - Sh
cing his chest, where there was a poorly contained tape, he u
ide and deactivated the bomb a
was conscious and deactivated the
- Bruc
nd me? Asked Loi
r and a bug on y
use in a week, dear. - Bruce s
know he was doing
er too, he didn't change
al or the formula of his drugs. - Well, that
let them get h
e same time, knock them out wi
ving, hearing
that? Ask
Metropolis poli
call the police
ted the time, when they
street, when Superman, Wonder W
oving, but the clown got up unexpectedly, and threw
le of the street towards his car, he drove, but was stopped in the middle of
n front of the fissure, in the middle of the
, he left using Lois as a shield,
n, there
, laughing with blood, and a broken nose, arou
h better. - Said taking a bomb out of his pants. - Come on heroes
ces himself for Lois. - And while you
der Woman would miss his inhibitors, he still felt t
didn't care about anything, there were no restrictions, he pushed Loi
et up, she went
ou will regret it.
wled Superman, without waiting
g towards the gas, but he wasn't prepared for the stick, which electrocuted him and bent him t
und. - She takes so much work
im, Green Arrow, J'onn the Mart
s, with a construct, he took
he stopped in the middle
stunned, kneeling on the floor,
e asked with his ha
in his d
construct he unexpectedly threw a punch
will earn a buck. - He said.
llucinating there was still a
d. - She wouldn't be so much of a
l a vapor in the air, everyone was stunned, Bruce decided to put on the mask, he saw that there were v
re would be a carnage, if they did not stop it, the two Martians fighting whi
- Said Batman, that son
and their loves, placed around there,
get back to normal. - You are no use, Lois. - S
hurting her too much with the back of his hand. - I j
all their sanity and inh
an crawled backwards. - Superman's
man, any one will do. - Diana said, she was ready t
but getting punched, and with a sword clo
ive, I can find any woman
was laughing on the floor wi
id you d
ey will do what they always wanted. - Said the
ran towards a microphone, from the police, he took a baton and scratched it on the floor, calling
man with a drugged expression
hat you're doin
ll happen if they
be a widower. -
en? Bruc
- Said Superman vulgarly
y, rich. -
ery rich prince
t the money.
, I will be hap
ou think, that
ill be condemne
this until the end o
ve us money.
with Steve, it will be
n feeds on souls, his mission is to cor
politician's word, in an el
romise. - Sa
, but they don't de
corrupt them.
anything to any of
they are liars
e prince of lie
hey will comply with yo
have nothing but your blood and d
, they are condemning everyone who wil
ll never be free aft
d, and this day will be the real day, wh
t to think otherw
ed Lois, and pu
hose demons
e heroes stopping, and r
. - Bru
, the man dropped a smoke kryptonite bomb and an antidote towards eve
to kill anyone else
ards Joker, who was tied up and restrai
ch increased with a crater that sank with everyt
uted. Falling ov
hicles were taken towards the craters that were forming and
sed towards his, but being taken away, Superman flew
, who lost his powers, every
e gasped, to which he hit his head towards several ends, and a sharp rock at the end o
ooked perfection, entering the stomach between the vertebrae and the spine, and another, a
t the top part piercing, it wasn't a puncture and a wound as
then gasping for another blackout, he saw himself in a
ok him towards that red river and his company, a beautiful androg
und himself in a sea of pain, he
ou with me? -
beautiful light
u will do th
tay with m
good. -
ling me. -
he was attached to Bruce
nd the heart gave a thump, he raised his hand that was not
as everything Bruce heard
n, but it was too late, his
ived, helped by other paramedics and heroes, who h
ing another job to disconn
not save the man already dea
st over twenty minutes after
n the direction of
- Said a paramedic. - They
an. - You help me? - A
ng. - Di
e purple ray.
g him back. -
t, nothing was beyond salvation, it needed to be s
of Solitude, and placed it in
the robots have
wake up. – Your
hey took him to a Krypto
e up. - Sai
lvation, but Diana took that inert body towards the purple rays, after reconnecting all the wire
lien attack, just at that time, for
k cycle, Superman volunteered to be with Diana in t
oxygen hose, with a life support, with much of
him have an encounter with each of them, in ano
t a round table, s
d? Bruc
on. - But you did
olong life. - Said Trigon. - You
n my concept.
's the use ? - q
n. - Sai
ill anyone.
lling and their souls were not co
any other way, did it because he believed that n
. - Said
gree? Ask
. - They
keep them from kill
great warrior who prevented t
ations. - S
ave a new chance
xactly twenty minutes after S
, he would be in a
and all the demons of the bet appeared in front
ch of his demonic power he opened the tank's hatch an
ly recovering, jumping to his feet in a defens
. - Bru
w ? - Br
re is more to the bet than we
h us. - Sa
? - He q
h us, we have a sur
em, he didn't seem t
e the
s ago in
ight bar, with a huge cover, and hiding from view, he thought that a cover would cover
able, he raised his face fro
ll... - Said
u want? -
not go out, they observed, but not before h
bet with you
him, they were Trigon, Lucifer, Mamon, Michael, Rafael, Azazel, Ne
you all do
. - Said Trigon
at? Bruc
interested? - Qu
to bet? Bruce asked, app
as follows. -
ity in America will kill. - Sai
ero will kill for each
ck to the questi
ey. - Sai
? Bruc
ked, he felt a headache, anger and resentmen
ey. - Sai
money. -
d be rich only in k
ition to greed
f heroes succumb to the sins of gl
n't. - Br
at so much, Bruce, bet
d I take with t
ents and that you prevented peo
fect for us.
diator of the bets. - Said Trigon.
you in anything, or just participa
u don't accept.
her until we succeed, and he or she w
hoice in the end. – Said
will be easy, like
ur opinion, others wil
ether you want to o
e of the chosen o
re the bets?
or you can preve
bet on you?
as follows. -
of the bet.
ach city after two
person of his own free will he should kill an innocent person without sin, afte
Said Trigon. - They are free t
30 gold bars, for the first hero, if they kill
y don't kill?
get anything.
mple? Bru
mple. - S
ruce asked. - What do I g
u prevented someone from b
ay not go to my realms? Asked Trigo
days? Br
nough to bring
id. - Anything else I n
y come to kill. - Said Trigon. - Yo
going to do tha
- The
re was a smoke and e
ions began to drizzle, the ground shook, the weather was
e people who left and heard and saw Nekron himself and othe
was taken towards his mansi
realized he was naked
s bet. - Bruce said. -
ve a story to te
- Said. - And we will tell
ong the oldest, the demons an
about a deity who
witness to big bets, and it wa
the old stories told that she was the biggest gambler, but that her betting wh
of the kingdoms of each demon that, when accepting the invitations, they should go to the
that sent for a long time, an acceptance among the red mist
heir hostess, who gave
ible futures and worlds for each solution, among these worlds,
itual world at the back door, so to speak, but even that did not preven
biggest bet sin
was the devil's gambling den, they ha
who were seated in what would be a room circulating between fog, white marble, pillars and white wells, tha
Said the crystalline voice in the middle of a river of sever
s the bet?
's stick to
e my representative, you will oblige
a few months or years from his death, he must be a warri
avatars, and we will choose a representative, who wi
with that, lost the faith in humanity, the one who fought
t and you will
aid. - Summon him to a place that
id, the souls of all of them, will be
eryone there, you will be able to use her tricks, but she will
me the following,
in a final period of seven calendar days, without res
pure, without being induced to practice, being of spontaneous f
ot know the exact question o
on't be worth it. - Said. - Because si
son to kill. - Said. - And he will win
s, both the person who was sacrificed
sed soul practice
and oldest of sin
reed and pride, as well
a wealth equivalent to the greed
uld that be?
ould do anything for
ive a value equivalent to the greed of fou
ake you a multimillion
ue... - Said
ought and started
be my contribution. - Said the red demon. – 5
n euros. - S
n dollars. -
ndance and prospe
- Said
e multiverse for one year round trip. - Said the
d Phantom Stranger. -
- Said. Rafael. - Do not
he multiverse in his life, he will be taken to me, an
l be taken away and will no longer be able to reincarnate or retu
imate sins and kill, during that time, all the inhabitants of tho
to hell and divided eq
ill be chosen? -
e, Gateway City, Coast City, Keystone
me, after
- Besides that, I wo
p. - Br
e money? Asked P
ooked e
rse, I d
take my gap yea
and many other things appeared